You Gotta Have Heart Baby

About Me

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I'm an Army Wife and a mom of 2 very handsom little boys. I beleive that we should have dinner together with a home cooked meal every night. I'm a loving, reading, tattoo covered, red head. I'm also a stay at home mom that refurbishes furniture then sales it out of her garage. And I LURVE making old furniture new. " You can stay the same, not lose anything, but never know what there was to be gained. Or you can RISK, guaranteeing some loss, and yet gain more than you knew was possible." -author unkown

Friday, March 18, 2011


Our enternet was down for a day and it seems all H e l l broke loose.
                                             a part of me still think COMCAST owes me for that day of loss lol

 Hubby and kids were generous to share their germs with me so I'm now sick.
  But life goes on.

Today had it's up and downs laughter and tears the whole bit but I can go to bed knowing how greatful I am to have a happy and for the most part healthy family. We will be moving soon and to me [even though we aren't moving far] that represents a new beggining.

  There's only 13 days till my 23rd birthday and I'm really looking forward to it! Stefan was gone for my last two birthdays so it really means a lot to me that he's home!

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