You Gotta Have Heart Baby

About Me

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I'm an Army Wife and a mom of 2 very handsom little boys. I beleive that we should have dinner together with a home cooked meal every night. I'm a loving, reading, tattoo covered, red head. I'm also a stay at home mom that refurbishes furniture then sales it out of her garage. And I LURVE making old furniture new. " You can stay the same, not lose anything, but never know what there was to be gained. Or you can RISK, guaranteeing some loss, and yet gain more than you knew was possible." -author unkown

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chicken Tacos

To feed a family of 4

You'll need: 

  • 5 small chicken breast
  • taco seasoning
  • lime juice
  • salt & pepper
  • one small onion & sometimes one small tomato and bell pepper
  • 1 teaspoon butter.
Boil chicken in small cubbed pieces for 15-20 min. 

In a small frying pan add a little olive oil and add veggies. Cook  on low until onions are translucent. Turn the heat up to medium high and add the chicken. Add one teaspoon lime juice all over the chicken add salt, pepper, taco seasoning and butter and cook for 5 min. 

 Serve with lettuce guacamole and cheese!                          

PS.  Guacamole recipe
take 2 ripe avocados much them up add half one small onion & one small tomato. Add small cubed cheddar cheese and add 2 teaspoons lime juice.


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