You Gotta Have Heart Baby

About Me

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I'm an Army Wife and a mom of 2 very handsom little boys. I beleive that we should have dinner together with a home cooked meal every night. I'm a loving, reading, tattoo covered, red head. I'm also a stay at home mom that refurbishes furniture then sales it out of her garage. And I LURVE making old furniture new. " You can stay the same, not lose anything, but never know what there was to be gained. Or you can RISK, guaranteeing some loss, and yet gain more than you knew was possible." -author unkown

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tomorrow's surgery day

I'm nervous about tomorrow I'm not going to lie... 
  But not so much about the surgery itself just whether it's going to happen. 

It's hard to believe a single paper after the mountain I signed for the actual surgery it's self can hold something up. Everything was really unclear at the doctors office.. The doctor said " Do you have authorization from your doctor?"
                                                                        Um....What???? I assume so I thought it was in that big ol packet you sent off this is the first I've heard of it! 

     "Well you have to have it the morning of the surgery."

That was YESTERDAY morning at my SECOND pre-op... I go back to the doctors office to get the paper I need and the nurse says something about it being already filled out...
                                                                                              more confusion 

"But here's a paper for your records...{mumbles the rest of the sentence}  have him sign this the morning of the surgery."
                                                                      SIGN WHAT!!!

So I was sent on my way again.

Back to the main doctor on base the nurse says "Well you didn't see him for this procedure so I'm surprised you were able to get the pre-op."

                                                                  Tells myself: Deep breath Rayna do.not.scream.

Insurance changed my doctor a month ago. I garuntee you I did see A doctor for the procedure. I was not informed till I made my next appointment of the "New" doctor. What am I supposed to do. 

"Well he's with patients right now and I can't go back there to get him. we are closing soon and if you try to go back there I will have to call security." 

I've called ALL of the places (there are 3) and I got the run around till the doctor left at one. The other only handles the surgery aspect and couldn't give me any further information and the last one the doctors office it'self that has sent me on this confusing quest to start with is closed till 11 AM tomorrow morning. 
                                                                                                    my surgery is at 7AM tomorrow morning! GAHHHH

So what do I do show up there anyway to have nothing happen after all this preparation and 3 rescheduled appointments and 13 years of pain?!?! 

        I'm so confused and I don't know what to do... IS this surgery going to happen

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