You Gotta Have Heart Baby

About Me

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I'm an Army Wife and a mom of 2 very handsom little boys. I beleive that we should have dinner together with a home cooked meal every night. I'm a loving, reading, tattoo covered, red head. I'm also a stay at home mom that refurbishes furniture then sales it out of her garage. And I LURVE making old furniture new. " You can stay the same, not lose anything, but never know what there was to be gained. Or you can RISK, guaranteeing some loss, and yet gain more than you knew was possible." -author unkown

Monday, March 21, 2011


Not my picture I found it on google.
This is my Implanon review. 
Fact. I have had the Implanon in for the full allotment of time 3 years From Dec 08-Dec 10.
Fact. The actual procedure [i had mine done at two different places in 2 different states] was not painful. If you  
        don't mind numbing shots your fine.
Fact: I did/do have a scar.
Fact: I could feel it through the skin.
Fact: I did have side affects.
  1. Weight gain
  2. pregnancy like symptoms 
  3. no regular periods
  4. Care free no need to worry about the pill time
These symptoms all lasted the duration of period.

Not my photo found on google

Would I recommend this product? Yes.

Positives: For the most part I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEED the Implanon. I didn't have to remember to take it so it was easy. The fact it was in my arm didn't bother me I never noticed it unless I deliberately felt it. I only had a period every 3 months and it would only last a day.

If you've used Depo products and have gained weight I would not recommend it. I gained weight the whole 3 years going from 142 lbs after my second son to 185 lbs. When I was supposed to get my period I would feel pregnancy like symptoms. It would make me to  hormonal to function around that time of the month as well.

My picture

This is the Implanon after it was removed today I have to have a bandage on for 24 hours they did put sanitized tape on the small incision. And I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy till tomorrow afternoon. All and all it was a good run but I'm happy to switch. For awhile. I hope this page was helpful I would be happy to answer any questions.

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